Paul Fernandez has over 20 years experience as a scout leader. . He's a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary today.
Paul Fernandez has over 20 years experience as a scout leader. He joined Sea Scout in New Orleans while a boy and continued his relationship with scouting through a wide and varied career which includes active duty in the Coast Guard. He's a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary today.
Welcome to our Ship Web Site. Our web site has tons of information to explain our program, highlight the opportunities for youth (14 – 21) as well as adults.
The Sea Scout Program is the oldest older youth program of the Boy Scouts of America, The Sea Scouts was established in 1912. Sea Scouts ages are 14-21, both genders. Sea Scouts are now the United States Coast Guard’s Youth Leadership Development Program Administered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary
AUXSCOUT: Our Youth Leadership Program
The program fully meshes the two organizations together, with added enhancements such as the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Leadership training, Citizenship, Recreational Boating Safety, Advanced Boating Skills, to name a few. For the first time in history, Sea Scouts can apply to be full members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Our ship focusers on all forms of water activities from small boat handling to shipboard overnight operations. In addition, water sports such as wake boarding/ski, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking and paddle boarding. In addition, we learn and practice maritime traditions and customs that have been in place for a century or more.
Our ship officers (Mates) have a combined on the water experience level equal to 110 years.
Our ship is unique, our Sea Scouts are special
Please explore our web site for details
Yours in Scouting,
Paul Fernandez